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在SARS-COV-2大流行期间,戴着面膜穿着成为防止传播和收缩病毒的有效工具。监测人口中面膜速率的能力将用于确定对病毒的公共卫生策略。然而,用于检测面罩的人工智能技术尚未在现实​​生活中以大规模部署在公共场合的大规模中。在本文中,我们介绍了由两个单独的模块组成的两步​​面掩模检测方法:1)面部检测和对准,2)面掩模分类。这种方法使我们能够尝试不同的面部检测和面罩分类模块的组合。更具体地说,我们尝试使用金字塔和视网膜作为面部探测器,同时保持面罩分类模块的轻质骨干。此外,我们还提供了Aizoo数据集的测试集的重叠注释,在那里我们纠正了某些面部图像的错误标签。 Aizoo和Moxa 3K数据集的评估结果表明,所提出的面罩检测管道超越了最先进的方法。所提出的管道在AIZOO数据集的重叠测试组上也产生了比原始测试集更高的映射。由于我们使用野外的面部图像培训了所提出的模型,我们可以成功部署我们的模型来使用公共CCTV图像监控戴掩模速率。
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本文提出了一种名为定位变压器(LOTR)的新型变压器的面部地标定位网络。所提出的框架是一种直接坐标回归方法,利用变压器网络以更好地利用特征图中的空间信息。 LOTR模型由三个主要模块组成:1)将输入图像转换为特征图的视觉骨干板,2)改进Visual Backone的特征表示,以及3)直接预测的地标预测头部的变压器模块来自变压器的代表的地标坐标。给定裁剪和对齐的面部图像,所提出的LOTR可以训练结束到底,而无需任何后处理步骤。本文还介绍了光滑翼损失功能,它解决了机翼损耗的梯度不连续性,导致比L1,L2和机翼损耗等标准损耗功能更好地收敛。通过106点面部地标定位的第一个大挑战提供的JD地标数据集的实验结果表明了LOTR在排行榜上的现有方法和最近基于热爱的方法的优势。在WFLW DataSet上,所提出的Lotr框架与若干最先进的方法相比,展示了有希望的结果。此外,我们在使用我们提出的LOTRS面向对齐时,我们报告了最先进的面部识别性能的提高。
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近似复杂的概率密度是现代统计中的核心问题。在本文中,我们介绍了变分推理(VI)的概念,这是一种机器学习中的流行方法,该方法使用优化技术来估计复杂的概率密度。此属性允许VI汇聚速度比经典方法更快,例如Markov Chain Monte Carlo采样。概念上,VI通过选择一个概率密度函数,然后找到最接近实际概率密度的家庭 - 通常使用Kullback-Leibler(KL)发散作为优化度量。我们介绍了缩窄的证据,以促进近似的概率密度,我们审查了平均场变分推理背后的想法。最后,我们讨论VI对变分式自动编码器(VAE)和VAE-生成的对抗网络(VAE-GAN)的应用。用本文,我们的目标是解释VI的概念,并通过这种方法协助协助。
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In molecular research, simulation \& design of molecules are key areas with significant implications for drug development, material science, and other fields. Current classical computational power falls inadequate to simulate any more than small molecules, let alone protein chains on hundreds of peptide. Therefore these experiment are done physically in wet-lab, but it takes a lot of time \& not possible to examine every molecule due to the size of the search area, tens of billions of dollars are spent every year in these research experiments. Molecule simulation \& design has lately advanced significantly by machine learning models, A fresh perspective on the issue of chemical synthesis is provided by deep generative models for graph-structured data. By optimising differentiable models that produce molecular graphs directly, it is feasible to avoid costly search techniques in the discrete and huge space of chemical structures. But these models also suffer from computational limitations when dimensions become huge and consume huge amount of resources. Quantum Generative machine learning in recent years have shown some empirical results promising significant advantages over classical counterparts.
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Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has emerged as a simple yet effective way to train large-scale vision-language models. CLIP demonstrates impressive zero-shot classification and retrieval on diverse downstream tasks. However, to leverage its full potential, fine-tuning still appears to be necessary. Fine-tuning the entire CLIP model can be resource-intensive and unstable. Moreover, recent methods that aim to circumvent this need for fine-tuning still require access to images from the target distribution. In this paper, we pursue a different approach and explore the regime of training-free "name-only transfer" in which the only knowledge we possess about the downstream task comprises the names of downstream target categories. We propose a novel method, SuS-X, consisting of two key building blocks -- SuS and TIP-X, that requires neither intensive fine-tuning nor costly labelled data. SuS-X achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot classification results on 19 benchmark datasets. We further show the utility of TIP-X in the training-free few-shot setting, where we again achieve state-of-the-art results over strong training-free baselines. Code is available at https://github.com/vishaal27/SuS-X.
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Generic motion understanding from video involves not only tracking objects, but also perceiving how their surfaces deform and move. This information is useful to make inferences about 3D shape, physical properties and object interactions. While the problem of tracking arbitrary physical points on surfaces over longer video clips has received some attention, no dataset or benchmark for evaluation existed, until now. In this paper, we first formalize the problem, naming it tracking any point (TAP). We introduce a companion benchmark, TAP-Vid, which is composed of both real-world videos with accurate human annotations of point tracks, and synthetic videos with perfect ground-truth point tracks. Central to the construction of our benchmark is a novel semi-automatic crowdsourced pipeline which uses optical flow estimates to compensate for easier, short-term motion like camera shake, allowing annotators to focus on harder sections of video. We validate our pipeline on synthetic data and propose a simple end-to-end point tracking model TAP-Net, showing that it outperforms all prior methods on our benchmark when trained on synthetic data.
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